Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    Gold-wrapped chocolate coins commemorate St Nicholas who gave bags of gold coins to the poor.
    7.6 million Christmas trees are sold each year.
    The first postage stamp to commemorate Christmas was issued in Austria in 1937.
    Frumenty was a spiced porridge, enjoyed by both rich and poor. It was a forerunner of modern Christmas puddings. It is linked in legend to the Celtic god Dagda, who stirred a porridge made up of all the good things of the earth.
    The poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower. In Mexico (its original birthplace), the poinsettia is known as the "Flower of the Holy Night".
    The sun sets on 24 December at 3.55pm in the UK, and rises the following morning at 8.05am.
    English Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas between 1647 and 1660 because he believed such celebrations were immoral for the holiest day of the year.