Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    The sun sets on 24 December at 3.55pm in the UK, and rises the following morning at 8.05am.
    'Klaxon' is a name that does not belong to one of Santa's reindeer. A klaxon is actually a powerful electric horn. Its name comes from a German word meaning "shriek".
    US scientists calculated that Santa would have to visit 822 homes a second to deliver all the world's presents on Christmas Eve, travelling at 650 miles a second.
    Frumenty was a spiced porridge, enjoyed by both rich and poor. It was a forerunner of modern Christmas puddings. It is linked in legend to the Celtic god Dagda, who stirred a porridge made up of all the good things of the earth.
    The abbreviation Xmas isn't irreligious. The letter X is a Greek abbreviation for Christ.