Christmas Facts

    Random Christmas Facts

    There are 44 Christmas Facts!

    The sun sets on 24 December at 3.55pm in the UK, and rises the following morning at 8.05am.
    There are 13 Santas in Iceland, each leaving a gift for children. They come down from the mountain one by one, starting on December 12 and have names like Spoon Licker, Door Sniffer and Meat Hook.
    Gold-wrapped chocolate coins commemorate St Nicholas who gave bags of gold coins to the poor.
    The first postage stamp to commemorate Christmas was issued in Austria in 1937.
    7.6 million Christmas trees are sold each year.
    'Klaxon' is a name that does not belong to one of Santa's reindeer. A klaxon is actually a powerful electric horn. Its name comes from a German word meaning "shriek".