Food and Drink Facts

    Random Food and Drink Facts

    There are 187 Food and Drink Facts!

    Research has shown that allowing chocolate to melt in your mouth produced brain and heart rate activity that was simliar to - and even stronger than - that produced with passionate kissing.
    The most popular Campbell's Soup in Hong Kong is watercress and duck gizzard.
    Worcestershire Sauce is basically an Anchovy ketchup.
    If you shake a can of mixed nuts, the larger ones will rise to the top.
    You would have to walk for seven hours straight to burn off a Super Sized Coke, fry and Big Mac.
    Spinach consumption in the U.S. rose 33% after the Popeye comic strip became a hit in 1931.
    In the 1800's, rum was considered excellent for cleaning hair and keeping it healthy. Brandy was believed to strengthen hair roots.