Health Facts

    Random Health Facts

    There are 273 Health Facts!

    The right lung takes in more air than the left.
    Although African-Americans make up only 13% of the U.S. population, they accounted for one half of the estimated new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in 2004.
    If your DNA was stretched out it would reach to the moon 6,000 times.
    The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime!
    It is possible for you to survive even after the removal of the spleen, the stomach, one kidney, one lung, 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, and almost every organ from the pelvic and groin area.
    The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost the diameter of a garden hose.
    If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, and fail to receive medical attention, you still have a 50% chance of survival.