People Facts

    Random People Facts

    There are 189 People Facts!

    Two in five people in the world marry their first love.
    Approximately one-third of the population can't snap their fingers!
    The average housewife walks 10 miles a day around the house doing her chores.
    Approximately 4 to 5% of the U.S. population has one or more clinically significant phobias in a given year. Specific phobias occur in people of all ages. The average age of onset for social phobia is between 15 and 20 years of age, although it can often begin in childhood.
    City dwellers have longer, thicker, denser nose hairs than country folks do.
    According to CNN national security correspondent David Ensore, as of 2002 bin Laden had married four women and fathered roughly 25 or 26 children.