People Facts

    Random People Facts

    There are 189 People Facts!

    Boys who have unusual first names are more likely to have mental problems than boys with conventional names. Girls don't seem to have this problem.
    On average, a human being will have sex more than 3,000 times and spend two weeks kissing in their lifetime.
    Women who are romance novel readers are reported to make love 74% more often with their partners than women who do not read romance novels.
    Females learn to talk earlier, use sentences earlier, and learn to read more quickly than males.
    Approximately 365 million people in the world have computers while half of the world's 6.5 billion population has never seen or used a telephone.
    According to CNN national security correspondent David Ensore, as of 2002 bin Laden had married four women and fathered roughly 25 or 26 children.