People Facts

    Random People Facts

    There are 189 People Facts!

    According to the American Society for Microbiology, 90% of women and 75% of men wash their hands after using a public restroom.
    According to Harris Interactive, 70% of men and 57% of women shower daily.
    Yawns are more contagious among people with closer relationships.
    As a rule, 66 percent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing. The rest take pleasure in watching the emotions run the gamut on the faces of their partners.
    Most of the world's people must walk at least 3 hours to fetch water!
    Nearly 30% of female lottery winners hide their winning ticket in their bras.
    Approximately 4 to 5% of the U.S. population has one or more clinically significant phobias in a given year. Specific phobias occur in people of all ages. The average age of onset for social phobia is between 15 and 20 years of age, although it can often begin in childhood.
    Humans blink over 10,000,000 times a year!