
    Random Superstitions

    There are 26 Superstitions!

    Pirates believed that piercing the ears with such precious metals as silver and gold improved one's eyesight.
    Once a wedding ring has been placed on the finger, it is considered bad luck to remove it.
    Breaking a mirror is said to bring bad luck for 7 years. To "undo" this, take the shards of glass and bury them underneath the moonlight. In ancient times, the mirror was said to be a window to the viewer's soul. If that mirror were to break, it would
    An acorn should be carried to bring luck and ensure a long life.
    When you speak of bad luck, it is said that one should always knock on wood. Also knocking when speaking of good luck apparently helps with having good luck. This is an old Celtic tradition related to belief of wood spirits.
    At times, a horseshoe may be found above doorways. When positioned like a regular 'U' it supposedly collects luck. However, when it is positioned like an upside-down 'U' the luck supposedly drains.
    Many believe that if all of the candles on a birthday cake are blown out with one breath, while making a silent wish, the wish will come true.
    Before traveling a person should, apparently, sit on their luggage. (Russian)