
    Random Superstitions

    There are 26 Superstitions!

    Pirates believed that piercing the ears with such precious metals as silver and gold improved one's eyesight.
    Placing keys on a table is considered unlucky. (Sweden)
    A single magpie is considered a sign of bad luck. A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar recites an old proverb concerning the incidence of bad weather when magpies forage alone and a possible scientific explanation for this.
    In some parts of England, rum is used to wash a baby's head for good luck.
    According to an age old custom, carrying a dead shrew in your pocket wards off rheumatism!
    Two people breaking a wishbone is said to lead to good luck for the person with the larger piece.
    It is bad luck to put new shoes on a bed (or a table) (comes from the tradition of dressing a corpse in new clothes and shoes and laying them out so everyone can give their respects) - (UK)
    Collect seven or nine different flowers on midsummer eve and place them under your pillow and it is said that you will dream of your future spouse. (Sweden)