
    Random Superstitions

    There are 26 Superstitions!

    Two people breaking a wishbone is said to lead to good luck for the person with the larger piece.
    A single magpie is considered a sign of bad luck. A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar recites an old proverb concerning the incidence of bad weather when magpies forage alone and a possible scientific explanation for this.
    An acorn at the window will keep lightning out
    Collect seven or nine different flowers on midsummer eve and place them under your pillow and it is said that you will dream of your future spouse. (Sweden)
    Placing keys on a table is considered unlucky. (Sweden)
    If you catch a falling leaf on the first day of autumn you will not catch a cold all winter.
    The superstitious symbolism of a black cat crossing one's path is dependent upon culture: some cultures consider this a sign of impending bad luck, while some cultures consider this a sign of impending good luck.
    It's bad luck to leave a house through a different door than the one used to come into it.