
    Random Superstitions

    There are 26 Superstitions!

    It is bad luck to put new shoes on a bed (or a table) (comes from the tradition of dressing a corpse in new clothes and shoes and laying them out so everyone can give their respects) - (UK)
    An acorn at the window will keep lightning out
    It's bad luck to leave a house through a different door than the one used to come into it.
    Many believe that if all of the candles on a birthday cake are blown out with one breath, while making a silent wish, the wish will come true.
    Some motorcycle enthusiasts hang a biker's bell from a portion of their bike to protect themselves from evil road spirits.
    In Asia, the digit 4 never appears in any Nokia handset model number, because 4 is considered unlucky in many parts of Southeast/East Asia.
    Pirates believed that piercing the ears with such precious metals as silver and gold improved one's eyesight.
    There are numerous sailors' superstitions, such as: it is considered bad luck for a ship to set sail on a Friday, to bring anything blue aboard, to stick a knife into the deck, to leave a hatch cover upside-down, to say "pig", or to eat walnuts aboard.