Technology Facts

    Random Technology Facts

    There are 58 Technology Facts!

    The normal static electricty shock that zaps your finger when you touch a doorknob is usually between 10,000 and 30,000 volts!
    More steel in the United States is used to make bottle caps than to manufacture automobile bodies.
    To have your picture taken by the very first camera you would have had to sit still for 8 hours!
    Thomas Alva Edison patented almost 1,300 inventions in his lifetime!
    In the early 1960's, Porsche commercially manufactured farm tractors.
    It takes six months to build a Rolls Royce...and 13 hours to build a Toyota.
    The United States produces enough plastic film annually to cover the entire state of Texas.
    A car operates at maximum economy, gas-wise, at speeds between 25 and 35 miles per hour.