Weird Facts

    Random Weird Facts

    There are 146 Weird Facts!

    The world's tallest snowman was created in Bethel, Maine in 2008. It measured in at 122 feet / 1 inch and weighed 13,000,000 lbs.
    An 'aglet' is the plastic or metal tip of a shoelace.
    One punishment for an adulterous wife in medieval France was to make her chase a chicken through town naked.
    Annually, the amount of garbage that is dumped in the world's oceans is three times the weight of fish that is caught from the oceans.
    One of the many Tarzans, Karmuela Searlel, was mauled to death on the set by a raging elephant!
    You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening!