Weird Laws

    Random Weird Laws

    There are 77 Weird Laws!

    In 1911, pigtails were banned in China because they were seen as a link with its feudal past.
    In Louisiana, a bill was introduced years ago in the State House of Representatives that fixed a ceiling on haircuts for bald men of 25 cents.
    It's against the law to burp, or sneeze in a certain church in Omaha, Nebraska!
    Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the U.S. since 1916 when a man mailed a 40,000-ton brick house across Utah to avoid high freight rates.
    In Oklahoma, no baseball team can hit the ball over the fence or out of a ballpark.
    In Natoma, Kansas, it's illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits
    In Georgia, US, members of the State Assembly cannot be ticketed for speeding while the State Assembly is in session.
    It was once against the law to have a pet dog in a city in Iceland!